IV Treatment Therapy
What is IV Therapy?
IV therapy is the most efficient way to achieve your wellness goals! IV Therapy is a method by which fluids and compounds such as vitamins and minerals are delivered intravenously, meaning administered through a vein by a healthcare professional, which is the fastest way to replenish these essential nutrients into your body. By bypassing your digestive system, IV Therapy delivers the vitamins and minerals directly to your circulatory system where they are absorbed instantaneously and in full. Traditional oral supplementation of vitamins and minerals must go via your digestive system, making it hard for your body to absorb and results are slow. The IV treatment is considered a success story among celebrities and superstars, Messi, Ronaldo and other stars have made the treatment a routine of their lives. The effectiveness of the treatment is 100% and this is due to the full absorption of the additives. Another advantage of the treatment is that it is customized to the client, Most customers do a blood test and see what they lack, what needs supplementation and balance, and then we will build a personal cocktail for them for a perfect and effective treatment. Fatigue? Lack of concentration? Decreased libido? general weakness? Poor quality sleep? overweight? Toxins in the body? Start your personal IV therapy and set off on a new path.